In Digital Libraries, which can often span several epochs, time is a critical factor. It is the means by which understanding, searching, and exploring these collections of data. Temporal dynamics, i.e. time-based patterns and trends, underpin language usage, entity references, and cultural and economic trends. Users accessing the information contained in Digital Libraries have to deal with their partial knowledge of these phenomena (word meaning variation, entity temporal ambiguity, specific events and time-related trends), as well as their own temporal evolution, i.e. their change in interests, preferences, and goals over time. Intercepting, representing, and predicting these dynamics is fundamental to the intelligent information access in Digital Libraries. This workshop proposes to bring together researchers and practitioners from different backgrounds in order to identify and discuss research trends, challenges, and new opportunities related to the time-aware intelligent access to Digital Libraries.
We invite papers that pertain to the workshop theme including but not limited to:
- Diachronic analysis of language
- Time-aware Information Retrieval for Digital Libraries
- Time-aware Recommender Systems for Digital Libraries
- Timeline Summarization
- Time-aware User Modeling for Digital Libraries
- Event detection
- Time-aware entity disambiguation
- Topic detection and tracking
- Temporal clustering
- Timeline interfaces
- Temporal queries
- Historical studies and computational history
- Topic and entity evolution
- Opinion changes over time
- Web archive-related topics
- *Extended* Paper submission deadline:
June 2, 2017June 16, 2017 (11:59pm Hawaii time) - Notification of paper acceptance: July 14, 2017
- Camera-ready version deadline: July 28, 2017
- Workshop (at TPDL 2017): September 21, 2017
- Position and Short papers: 4 pages
- Demos: 4 pages
- Long papers: between 8 and 12 pages
- Paper format: according to the main conference format Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- EasyChair:
We encourage submissions that describe new theoretical models, applied techniques, and research in progress. Submissions should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere and should be prepared according to the main conference format (Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science). All submissions should be written in English and submitted as PDF. Submissions will be peer reviewed (single-blind) by the program committee members. Evaluation criteria will include novelty, significance for theory/practice, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. All the submissions should be submitted via EasyChair. At least one author of an accepted paper must attend the workshop to present the work. The accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings via CEUR Workshop Proceedings. We will also consider editing a special issue on the International Journal on Digital Libraries after the workshop by encouraging the participants to extend their papers.
Thursday 21st September 2017
[09:00 - 09:15] | Welcome |
[09:15 - 10:00] | Keynote: Taking Time Seriously: Diachronic Collections in Digital Libraries |
by Jaap Kamps | |
[10:00 - 10:30] | A Half-Life Decaying Model for Recommender Systems with Matrix Factorization |
Panagiotis Ardagelou, and Avi Arampatzis | |
[10:30 - 11:00] | Break |
[11:00 - 11:30] | HEI: Hunter Events Interface |
Antonio Sorgente, Antonio Calabrese, Gianluca Coda, Paolo Vanacore, and Francesco Mele | |
[11:30 - 12:00] | Investigating Per-user Time Sensitivity Of Search Topics |
Jivashi Nagar, and Hussein Suleman | |
[12:00 - 12:30] | Discussion and closing remarks |
Taking Time Seriously: Diachronic Collections in Digital Libraries
by Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam
Digital library collections may appear static, but usually contains content from many different time periods. What changes when your collection is a diachronic corpus spanning decades or even centuries? The temporal structure is a lightweight annotation that provides powerful new handles for users to explore the collection, and engage with the material from many different angles. There are also fundamental consequences for the design of digital library systems and back office systems empowering curators and digital humanities researchers to explore the data at scale. We study this question for collections of parliamentary proceedings spanning multiple centuries in a uniform format.
About the speaker: Jaap Kamps is an associate professor of information retrieval at the University of Amsterdam, PI of a stream of large research projects on information access funded by NWO and the EU, vice-chair of the ACM SIG-IR, organizer of evaluation efforts at TREC and CLEF, and a prolific organizer of conferences and workshops. His research interests span all facets of information storage and retrieval – from user-centric to system-centric, and from basic research to applied research. A common element is the combination of textual information with additional structure, such as document structure, Web-link structure, and/or contextual information, such as meta-data, anchors, tags, clicks, or profiles.
- Ingo Frommholz, School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Bedfordshire
- Ted Underwood, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Michele Filannino, SUNY @ Albany and MIT Clinical Decision Making group
- Adam Jatowt, Kyoto University
- Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S Research Center, Hannover
- Kjetil Nørvåg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Thomas Risse, L3S Research Center, Hannover
- Rachele Sprugnoli, Digital Humanities at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
- And more to join.
- Annalina Caputo, ADAPT centre, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Nattiya Kanhabua, Database, programming and web technologies (DPW) Group, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Pierpaolo Basile, SWAP group, Department of Computer Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Séamus Lawless, Knowledge and Data Engineering Group, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Annalina Caputo: annalina dot caputo at adaptcentre dot ie
- Nattiya Kanhabua: nattiya at cs dot aau dot dk
- Pierpaolo Basile: pierpaolo dot basile at uniba dot it
- Séamus Lawless: seamus dot lawless at scss dot tcd dot ie